Oil of Joy Ministries


In 1990 after much prayer, the Lord spoke to Barbara Kuzmic to bring forth an anointing oil to His people. During several months of bible study and time with the Lord, the Holy Spirit unfolded spiritual truths regarding the anointing oil, it’s necessity to the Body and it’s ingredients.

Oil of Joy Ministries


In 1990 after much prayer, the Lord spoke to Barbara Kuzmic to bring forth an anointing oil to His people. During several months of bible study and time with the Lord, the Holy Spirit unfolded spiritual truths regarding the anointing oil, it’s necessity to the Body and it’s ingredients.

Oil of Joy Ministries


In 1990 after much prayer, the Lord spoke to Barbara Kuzmic to bring forth an anointing oil to His people. During several months of bible study and time with the Lord, the Holy Spirit unfolded spiritual truths regarding the anointing oil, it’s necessity to the Body and it’s ingredients.


God’s word to Barbara’s heart was that this oil would bring forth His aroma – the fragrance of the Lord that covered His garments (Ps. 45:7-8), and that He would use it to bless His people all over the world. As she began to step out in obedience, the Lord was with her the entire way, making the path clear, and confiming His word.

Though not a scientist, chemist or professor – Barbara was able, through the Lord’s leading, to create a beautiful anointing oil which reminds one of the Holiness of the Lord and His deep presence in our lives. The aroma truly is His fragrance, His Spirit, His OIL!


The Oil is used for prayer. To pray for the sick so that they can recover. It can be used to anoint your body (head, hands, feet), your home and belongings, to pray over and redeem the Land back to God (please see Oil booklet for the uses and purposes of the anointing oil).

The Oil Of Joy anointing oil has traveled to many lands such as: China, Korea, India, Nigeria, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Kenya, UK and is all over the United States. Many believers world-wide have been prayed over and for and are blessed by the anointing and presence of the Lord as the Oil Of Joy bottle is opened!


God’s word to Barbara’s heart was that this oil would bring forth His aroma – the fragrance of the Lord that covered His garments (Ps. 45:7-8), and that He would use it to bless His people all over the world. As she began to step out in obedience, the Lord was with her the entire way, making the path clear, and confiming His word.

Though not a scientist, chemist or professor – Barbara was able, through the Lord’s leading, to create a beautiful anointing oil which reminds one of the Holiness of the Lord and His deep presence in our lives. The aroma truly is His fragrance, His Spirit, His OIL!


The Oil is used for prayer. To pray for the sick so that they can recover. It can be used to anoint your body (head, hands, feet), your home and belongings, to pray over and redeem the Land back to God (please see Oil booklet for the uses and purposes of the anointing oil).

The Oil Of Joy anointing oil has traveled to many lands such as: China, Korea, India, Nigeria, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Kenya, UK and is all over the United States. Many believers world-wide have been prayed over and for and are blessed by the anointing and presence of the Lord as the Oil Of Joy bottle is opened!

Support Our Cause

Oil of Joy is made possible by the Favor of God and the generous support of believers throughout the world. If you would like to bless Oil of Joy to further the spreading of the Gospel, donate here.

Support Our Cause

Oil of Joy is made possible by the Favor of God and the generous support of believers throughout the world. If you would like to bless Oil of Joy to further the spreading of the Gospel, donate here.